Microsoft 6427A: Configuring and Troubleshooting Internet
Information Services in Windows Server 2008Pré-requisitosCurso 6420: Fundamentals of Windows Server 2008 Network and Applications Infrastructure.
Um mínimo de um ano de experiência em administração e apoio a uma função de servidor Web utilizando o Windows Server 2003.
Certificação Network +.
Conteúdo ProgramáticoO Material deste treinamento é oficial Microsoft e em INGLÊS.
Neste curso de 24 horas, os alunos vão aprender a instalar, configurar, manter e solucionar problemas do Web Server Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 no Windows Server 2008.
O público principal deste curso é de pessoas que querem tornar-se um Web Server Administrator em um ambiente corporativo. Além disso, as pessoas que estão assumindo um novo papel que exige habilidades para gerenciar o conteúdo atendido por um servidor Web IIS 7.0 através de uma intranet, extranet e internet estariam interessados neste curso.
O público secundário para este curso são os indivíduos que são os desenvolvedores de aplicativos baseados na Web que também possuem capacidades de rede.
Depois de concluir este curso, o aluno será capaz de:
* Descrever a arquitetura modular do IIS 7.0 e cargas de trabalho.
* Configure um servidor Web IIS 7.0.
* Segurança de Web sites e pools de aplicativos web.
* Solucionar problemas de servidores Web, sites e aplicações.
* Usar ferramentas de linha de comando e ferramentas de script.
* Tunar IIS para melhorar o desempenho.
* Manter sites.
* Abilitar tecnologias integradas para estender a funcionalidade do IIS 7.0.
Course Outline
Module 1: Configuring an IIS 7.0 Web Server
The students will be introduced to the process of installing a Web Server and configuring IIS features such as application development; health and diagnostics; HTTP features and more.
•Introducing Internet Information Services 7.0
•Installing the Web Server Role in Windows Server 2008
•Configuring Application Development, Health, and HTTP Features
•Configuring Performance, Security, and Server Component Features
Lab : Configuring an IIS 7.0 Web Server
•Installing IIS using Role Manager
•Installing IIS using Unattend Setup
•Installing IIS on Server Core from Command Line
•Configuring IIS and Validate Functionality
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe the IIS 7.0 modular architecture.
•Describe the IIS 7.0 workloads.
•Describe the three methods for installing IIS 7.0.
•Install IIS 7.0 using each of the three identified methods.
•Configure common features for IIS 7.0.
•Validate functionality of configured features.
Module 2: Configuring IIS 7.0 Web Sites and Application Pools
The students will be introduced to creating and managing Web sites and application pools.
•Introducing Web Sites and Application Pools
•Creating a Web Site
•Creating an Application Pool
•Maintaining an Application Pool
Lab : Configuring IIS 7.0 Web Sites and Application Pools
•Configuring Authentication Types
•Creating a Web Site and Web Application
•Creating an Application Pool
•Configuring an Existing Application Pool
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe how the application pool is used.
•Describe authentication types used in IIS 7.0.
•Configure the authentication types for Web sites and application pools.
•Create a Web site and a corresponding virtual directory.
•Create a new application pool.
•Configure an existing application pool.
Module 3: Configuring IIS 7.0 Application Settings
The students will be introduced to configuring application settings using ASP.NET.
•Configuring Application Settings
•Configuring ASP.NET Security
Lab : Configuring IIS 7.0 Application Settings
•Configuring ASP.NET
•Configuring ASP.NET Application Development Settings
•Configuring a Web Server to Host Multiple Web Applications with Separate Application Pools
•Configuring ASP.NET Security
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe ASP.NET application development settings.
•Configure ASP.NET.
•Configure ASP.NET Web application development settings.
•Configure a Web Server to host multiple Web applications with separate application pools using ASP.NET.
•Configure ASP.NET security.
Module 4: Configuring IIS 7.0 Modules
The students will be introduced to configuring IIS modules.
•Configuring Native Modules
•Configuring Managed Modules
Lab : Configuring IIS 7.0 Modules
•Configuring and Editing Native Modules
•Configuring and Edit Managed Modules
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Configure native modules.
•Configure managed modules.
•Edit managed and native modules.
Module 5: Securing the IIS 7.0 Web Server and Web Sites
The students will be introduced to configuring a secure Web Server and Web sites and to using logging as a tool for monitoring security.
•Configuring Secure Web Sites and Servers
•Configure Other Aspects of Web Server Security
•Configuring Logging for IIS 7.0
Lab : Securing IIS 7.0 Web Server and Web Sites
•Configuring a Secure Web Server
•Configuring Authorization, Authentication, and Access
•Configuring Logging
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Configure a secure Web Server.
•Configure authorization for IIS Web Server.
•Configure authentication for IIS Web Server.
•Configure access for IIS Web Server.
•Configure a secure Web site.
•Configure logging for IIS 7.0.
Module 6: Configuring Delegation and Remote Administration
The students will be introduced to assigning rights to Web site users and configuring users to serve as remote administrators of a server and its corresponding Web sites.
•Configuring Remote Administration
•Configuring Delegated Administration
•Configuring Feature Delegation
Lab : Configuring Delegation and Remote Administration
•Configuring Remote Administration
•Configuring Delegated Administration
•Configuring Feature Delegation
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe remote administration service.
•Configure remote administration.
•Describe the new distributed, configuration system, applicationHost.config.
•Describe how configuration files are distributed down to the application level Web.config for IIS settings.
•Configure delegated administrative rights to a Web site.
•Configure feature delegation for a specific Web site.
Module 7: Using Command-line and Scripting for IIS 7.0 Administration
The students will learn basic scripting methods for completing IIS 7.0 administrative tasks needed to maintain Web sites and Web Servers.
•Tools for Running Administrative Tasks in IIS
•Executing Scripts for Administrative Tasks
•Managing IIS Tasks
Lab : Using Command-line and Scripting for IIS 7.0 Administration
•Managing IIS Web Sites with PowerShell
•Executing a Script using WAP
•Automating IIS Administration using Scripts
•Navigating IIS tasks using WMI and Appcmd
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Maintain Web Servers with command-line tools
•Identify when and how to run scripts using PowerShell.
•Identify when and how to run scripts using the Microsoft Web Administration Provider.
•Identify when and how to run scripts using command-line.
•Execute an IIS script using PowerShell.
•Execute an IIS script using Microsoft Web Administration Provider.
•Execute an IIS script using command-line.
•Automate IIS administration tasks using scripts.
•Navigate IIS tasks using WMI Provider and appcmd.exe.
Module 8: Tuning IIS 7.0 for Improved Performance
The students will be introduced to techniques for improving Web Server performance.
•Implementing Best Practices for Improving IIS Performance
•Configuring Options to Improve IIS Performance
•Managing Application Pools to Improve IIS Performance
Lab : Tuning IIS 7.0 for Performance
•Configuring IIS Performance Options
•Managing Application Pools to Improve Performance
•Deploying Applications
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe best practices for improving performance.
•Configure options to improve IIS performance.
•Manage application pools to improve IIS performance.
Module 9: Ensuring Web Site Availability with Web Farms
The students will learn to ensure Web site availability in a Web farm topology.
•Backing Up and Restoring Web Sites
•Working with Shared Configurations
•Configuring Network Load Balancing for IIS
Lab : Ensuring Web Site Availability with Web Farms
•Backing Up an IIS Web Site
•Restoring an IIS Web site
•Enabling Shared Configurations
•Configuring Network Load Balancing
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Back up an IIS 7.0 Web site.
•Restore an IIS 7.0 Web site.
•Enable shared configurations.
•Ensure Web site availability using Network Load Balancing.
Module 10: Troubleshooting IIS 7.0 Web Servers
The students will learn to use audit logs to troubleshoot common Web Server related authentication, authorization, communication, and configuration error messages.
•Using IIS 7.0 Logging for Troubleshooting
•Troubleshooting Authentication
•Troubleshooting Authorization
•Troubleshooting Communication
•Troubleshooting Configuration
Lab : Troubleshooting IIS 7.0 Web Servers
•Troubleshooting Authentication
•Troubleshooting Authorization Types
•Troubleshooting Communication
•Troubleshooting Configuration
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Audit logs to troubleshoot IIS.
•Troubleshoot authentication based on common error messages.
•Troubleshoot authorization types for IIS 7.0.
•Troubleshoot communication when managing a Web Server.
•Troubleshoot configuration based on common error messages.