Microsoft 6420: Fundamentals of Windows Server 2008
Network and Applications Infrastructure

Before attending this course, students must have: • A+, Server+, hardware portion of Net+, and familiarity with Windows (client side) • Working knowledge of networking technologies

Conteúdo Programático
O Material deste treinamento é oficial Microsoft e em INGLÊS.

This five-day instructor-led course introduces students to network and applications infrastructure concepts and configurations provided by Window Server 2008. Students will be able to acquire a fundamental understanding in order to pursue advanced topics available for certification in the network and applications infrastructure areas. Audience This course is intended for new IT employees or Desktop Support workers moving into server support. The information in this course allows them acquire a fundamental understanding of Windows networks to pursue advanced topics. This course is also useful for those migrating from competitive platforms to Windows Server 2008.

O Material deste treinamento é oficial Microsoft e em INGLÊS.

O objetivo deste curso é ensinar os alunos os fundamentos básicos de networking, segurança e administração de servidores com Windows Server 2008 e Windows Server 2008 R2. Destina-se a fornecer o conhecimento necessário para nível fundamental preparar os alunos para começar a construir uma carreira em tecnologias Microsoft.

Perfil do Público

Os candidatos a este curso estão tentando adquirir conhecimento e as habilidades fundamentais em torno da segurança, administração de rede, e no Windows Server 2008 e Windows Server 2008 R2. Ele pode ser aplicado a usuários de computadores domésticos, estudantes acadêmicos, profissionais da informação, desenvolvedores, ou ajudar os técnicos secretária desejando começar um caminho novo ou habilidades habilidade para tecnologias do Windows Server. Os candidatos para este curso também pode incluir profissionais de TI com habilidades em outras áreas de TI ou sistemas operacionais (como Linux) que desejam obter uma visão sobre o Windows Server.

Module 1: Fundamentals of Network Infrastructure

This module describes the fundamentals of an enterprise networking
environment, which consists of Windows Infrastructure Services,
Windows Application Platform Services, and Active Directory.


• Network Communication Standards

• Physical Network Infrastructure

• Logical Network Organization

• Overview of Active Directory

• Server Roles

Lab: Identifying Network Components

• Exercise 1: Creating a Network Diagram

• Exercise 2: Expanding the Network Diagram

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the purpose of network communication standards
and the OSI model.

• Describe the components of physical network infrastructure.

• Describe the logical organization of networks.

• Describe the characteristics of Active Directory components.

• Describe server roles and how they are categorized.

Module 2: IT Professionals in the Enterprise

This module describes the IT Professional roles (and their respective
responsibilities) that may exist in a typical enterprise environment.


• IT Professional Roles

• IT Management and Processes

• Professional Development for IT Professionals

Lab: Developing a Training Plan

• Exercise 1: Reviewing Information about Microsoft Learning Resources

• Exercise 2: Creating a Training Plan

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the IT professional roles.

• Describe IT management and processes.

• Describe options for the professional development of IT professionals.

Module 3: Configuring Basic TCP/IPv4

This module describes the TCP/IPv4 configuration, protocols and the
tools used to validate configurations.


• Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

• Overview of TCP/IP Addressing

• Name Resolution

• Dynamic IP Addressing

• TCP/IPv4 Tools

Lab: Configuring Basic TCP/IPv4 Settings and Validating
TCP/IPv4 Connectivity

• Exercise 1: Configuring a Dynamic IP Address

• Exercise 2: Configuring a Static IP Address

• Exercise 3: Testing DNS Configuration

• Exercise 4: Connecting to a Web Application

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the TCP/IP protocol suite and the individual protocols
that are part of it.

• Describe the components of IPv4 addressing.

• Describe NetBIOS and DNS name resolution.

• Describe how IPv4 addresses can be assigned dynamically.

• Describe tools that can be used to manage and monitor IPv4.

Module 4: Fundamentals of Communication Technologies

This module describes static and dynamic HTTP content, how to
differentiate between the two, and the various mechanisms used
by TCP/IPv4 to send and receive data traffic.


• Network Content Types

• Packet Delivery Methods

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe static, dynamic, and streaming content.

• Describe unicast, broadcast, and multicast packet delivery.

Module 5: Creating IPv4 Address Spaces

This module explains how to define and create an IPv4 address
range and subnetting for a network.


• Overview of IP Communication

• Subnetting Overview

• Subnetting for Complex Networks

Lab: Creating IPv4 Address Spaces

• Exercise 1: Defining the Subnet Mask for a WAN

• Exercise 2: Defining the Hosts for a Network

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the IPv4 communication process between computers.

• Describe the concept of subnetting.

• Create IPv4 networks by performing subnetting.

Module 6: IPv6 Fundamentals

This module introduces IPv6, describes the differences between
IPV4 and IPv6, and explains how to configure IPv6 addresses.


• Introduction to IPv6

• Unicast IPv6 Addresses

• Configuring IPv6

Lab: Configuring IPv6

• Exercise 1: Defining IPv6 Networks for Internal Use

• Exercise 2: Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a Server

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the characteristics of IPv6.

• Describe the characteristics of IPv6 unicast addresses.

• Describe how IPv6 can be configured automatically and statically.

Module 7: Fundamentals of Administering Windows Server 2008

This module explains how to use the administrative tools available
in Windows 2008 server to monitor system performance, monitor
system status, and manage a server from a remote computer rather
than the server console.


• Using Windows Server 2008 Administrative Tools

• Monitoring Performance

• Monitoring Events

• Using Remote Desktop for Administration

• Configuring Security for Server Administration

Lab: Administering Windows Server 2008

• Exercise 1: Joining a Server to the Domain

• Exercise 2: Configuring Remote Desktop for Administration

• Exercise 3: Centralizing Event Logging

• Exercise 4: Resolving a Performance Issue by Using Reliability
and Performance Monitor

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe common Windows Server 2008 Administrative Tools.

• Describe how to monitor performance.

• Describe how to monitor events.

• Describe how to use Remote Desktop for administration.

• Describe how to configure security for server administration.

Module 8: Security Fundamentals

This module introduces basic industry standard security concepts
for server roles.


• Defense-in-Depth

• Securing Access to Web Content

• Securing Access to Files

• Data Encryption

Lab: Configuring Data Security

• Exercise 1: Creating a Simple Share

• Exercise 2: Creating an Advanced Share

• Exercise 3: Configuring Web Content for Anonymous Access

• Exercise 4: Securing Web Content

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe how Defense in Depth is used to secure computers.

• Describe how to secure access to Web content.

• Describe how to secure access to files.

• Describe data encryption and how it is used to protect data on disk.

Module 9: Fundamentals of Securing Network Communication

This module describes how to secure network traffic by using certificates.


• Public Key Infrastructure

• Using Certificates

Lab: Securing a Web Site by using SSL

• Exercise 1: Verifying the Trusted Root CA

• Exercise 2: Securing a Web site by using SSL

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe public key infrastructure components and certificates.

• Describe methods for securing network communication by using certificates.

Module 10: Windows Firewall and Caching Fundamentals

This module describes proxy and caching services; how to configure
Windows Firewall by creating exceptions and modifying firewall rules;
how to configure auditing and monitoring; and how to troubleshoot
Windows Firewall.


• Overview of Perimeter Security

• Windows Firewall Overview

• Creating Windows Firewall Rules

• Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows Firewall

Lab: Using Windows Firewall

• Exercise 1: Limiting Access to a Web Application

• Exercise 2: Distributing Windows Firewall Rules by Using Group Policy

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe firewall and proxy server characteristics.

• Describe Windows Firewall and how to perform basic administration.

• Describe how to create Windows Firewall rules.

• Describe how to monitor and troubleshoot Windows Firewall.

Module 11: Remote Access Fundamentals

This module explains how to configure network policies, configure
a radius proxy, and how to troubleshoot NPS as a radius proxy.


• Remote Access Overview

• RADIUS Overview

• Network Policy Server

• Troubleshooting Remote Access

Lab: Implementing Remote Access

• Exercise 1: Implementing a VPN server

• Exercise 2: Implementing a RADIUS server

• Exercise 3: Implementing a RADIUS proxy

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the characteristics of remote access methods.

• Describe how RADIUS is used.

• Describe how to implement network policies on a Network Policy Server.

• Describe how to troubleshoot remote access.

Module 12: Routing Fundamentals

This module describes routing concepts and protocols, and explains
how quality of service can be used within a network environment.


• Routing Overview

• Configuring Routing and Remote Access as a Router

• Quality of Service

Lab: Configuring Routing

• Exercise 1: Configuring a LAN Router

• Exercise 2: Implementing RIPv2

• Exercise 3: Configuring a Demand-dial Router

• Exercise 4: Configuring QoS

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe routing protocols and routing tables.

• Describe how to configure RRAS as a LAN router.

• Describe Quality of Service (QoS) and how to implement it.

Module 13: Network Load Balancing Fundamentals

This module explains how to configure and test network load balancing.


• Server Availability and Scalability Overview

• Network Load Balancing

• Configuring Windows NLB

Lab: Implementing Network Load Balancing

• Exercise 1: Preparing Web Servers for NLB

• Exercise 2: Creating an NLB Cluster for Failover

• Exercise 3: Configuring an NLB Cluster for Load Balancing

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe server availability and scalability options.

• Describe Windows Network Load Balancing.

• Describe how to configure Windows Network Load Balancing.

Module 14: Configuring Print Resources and Printing Pools

This module explains how to configure network print resources
and printing pools.


• Printing Overview

• Configuring Network Printers

• Using Print Management

• Managing Printers

• Troubleshooting Network Printing

Lab: Implementing Printing

• Exercise 1: Creating an XPS document

• Exercise 2: Adding a Printer by Using Control Panel

• Exercise 3: Using Print Management

• Exercise 4: Deploying Printers by Using Group Policy

• Exercise 5: Migrating a Printer to a New Server

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the printing process.

• Describe how to configure network printers.

• Describe how to manage servers by using Print Management.

• Describe how to manage printers by using Print Management.

• Describe how to troubleshoot network printing.

Module 15: Server Virtualization Overview

This module describes the fundamental functions included with
Windows Server Virtualization (WSV).


• Overview of Server Virtualization

• Overview of Windows Server Virtualization

• Creating a Virtual Environment

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe benefits and characteristics of server virtualization.

• Describe benefits and characteristics of Windows Server Virtualization.

• Describe how to configure and manage a virtual environment.

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